Friday, October 26, 2007

Blairesville, Georgia 2007

Ricky and I took the dogs and headed to north Georgia for a week. We were meeting Ricky's parents and our friends Mike and Marilyn in Blairesville Georgia. We each had our own cabin house and all the accomodations that you might need. The weather was unusually warm- 20 Degrees above what the normal is. There has also been a terrible drought this year in that area and the lakes and rivers were at record lows we heard. BUT... have no worries Georgia- Ricky and Leah brought the rain! It rained almost non-stop for 3 days while we were there. Nonetheless, we had a great time. We went up to Brasstown Bald for a view of 3 different states from that height. You will see us at the Biltmore Residence in Asheville NC. We took that side trip for one day and really enjoyed it. We suggest you take the behind the scenes tour and don't forget to stop at the winery. We also went to Helen Georgia. It is a quaint little town that is modeled after an alpine village. A "must see" in Helen is Betty's --- they have the best baked goods- the Blueberry and Cream Cheese Croissant is well...
better than you know what!!
We had a great time enjoying the cooler weather and the outdoors. The dogs ached to go outside and venture in the woods. We also had a great time playing board games and drinking lots of wine.
Another vacation that Ricky and I can definitely say that we enjoyed!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

St. Louis

On September 19th, Leah's Grandma, Grandma Dohm died peacefully at her 2nd home. Leah and her parents and siblings went to St. Louis Missouri to attend the funeral. Grandma Dohm was a couple months shy of turning 90 years old. She is a remarkable woman and will be greatly missed. All of her children, their children and their children's children attended the funeral and honored her. She very much enjoyed us getting together and being close. We gathered at Leah's Aunt Juanita's Home and laughed and ate all night long. We even raised a half a beer to her. (One of grandma's things was to share your beer with you). Below is her and her husband Sam's home. Many fond memories were had there.

Kristin, Ben and Lilah at the luncheon.

All but one of the Grandkids-- missing Brian Rapplean.

Matt "Sambo" and Leah.
Hanging out at Aunt Nina's and Uncle Rich's.
Uncle Gerry, Uncle Tom and Aunt Alma(Brother of Leah's Uncle Rich) and Beau.

Matt, Jordan, Becca and Josh.

Uncle Ron on Dolly

Ben on Little Bit

Matt!!! Are you legal yet? Just kidding. Don't drink and ride. Arrive alive--especially on Dolly.

Becca, Shadow(the horse), Brian, Sarah and baby, and Josh.

Jordan on Little Bit and Matt on Dolly.

Josh on Dolly and Becca on Little Bit.

We miss you Grandma. I hope you're getting to beat Grandpa and Uncle Rich at Dominoes now.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Doug's Family Visit to Florida

Doug and his family visited Grandma, Bob Bob, Aunt -Eah, Uncle Ricky and Cynthia this past weekend. It was a great deal of fun to have everyonne around. There was a lot of swimming, squirting (with water guns) and fun to go around. I especially love the progression of pictures where Caroline is pouring water over -Eah. We also celebrated Caroline's "Happy Day" while she was here with a Cookie Monster Cake. Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The New Furry Family Member

We would like to introduce you to the newest furry family member of the Frohnerath Family. This is Little Foot DeMeyer aka Ginger. She is our friend Marilyn's horse. How is she Marilyn's horse and a new member of the Frohnerath Family? Well, Marilyn asked if we would like to share Ginger. Because I have always loved any horse, especially Ginger, it was easy for me to decide. Ricky took a little longer... but he is out there pitching in every day. Deborah, Ricky's mom is also sharing Ginger with us. She is a Quarter horse split in 1/3. You do the math. We would love for you to meet her face to muzzle.

Do you mind? Watching me while I bathe. How rude?

What you lookin' at?